
Il dichiarante e i componenti del nucleo familiare (e figli maggiorenni non conviventi, di età inferiore a 26 anni, fiscalmente a carico,non coniugati e senza prole), dovranno presentare:INFORMAZIONI E DATI 
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DOCUMENTI DA PREPARAREI documenti utili (redditi e spese relative all’anno 2019) per la redazione del modello 730 a titoloesemplificativo sono: Ultima busta paga 2020 in possesso al momento della compilazione 
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Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research. 
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Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research. 
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Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research. 
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Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research. 
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Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research. 
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Programma Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or 
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